AHA: Statins associated with high degree of safety
December 10, 2018
Rumors of statins’ adverse side effects are greatly exaggerated.
Phone app diagnoses STEMI nearly as well as ECG
December 7, 2018
CHICAGO – With some tweaking, the AliveCor app could improve outcomes by speeding up diagnosis and treatment.
Acute stroke thrombolysis worked safely despite GI bleed or malignancy
December 7, 2018
CHICAGO – Current guidelines contraindicate acute stroke thrombolysis in patients with GI bleed or malignancy, but a new analysis suggests it’s safe.
ICU-acquired pneumonia mortality risk may be underestimated
December 6, 2018
Hospital-acquired pneumonia imposes a greater mortality toll at 30 days than ventilator-associated pneumonia.
No difference between PPI prophylaxis, placebo for GI bleeding
December 6, 2018
There was no significant difference in mortality between critically ill patients who received pantoprazole prophylaxis for gastrointestinal bleeding, and those who received placebo.
EARLY: Angiography within 2 hours of acute non-ST event cut recurrent ischemic events
December 4, 2018
Coronary angiography immediately after an acute non–ST-segment elevation coronary event limited recurrent events, compared with later intervention.
ARISTOPHANES: Apixaban edges other DOACS for octogenarians
December 2, 2018
CHICAGO – Insurance claims data from more than 50,000 U.S. octogenarians on a DOAC showed apixaban worked best and caused the fewest major bleeds.
Acute flaccid myelitis has unique MRI features
November 30, 2018
Acute flaccid myelitis more commonly presents with asymmetric paralysis and spinal cord lesions largely restricted to gray matter.
ASH releases new VTE guidelines
November 28, 2018
A panel of the American Society of Hematology released more than 150 recommendations for dealing with venous thromboembolism.
Overprescribing opioids leads to higher levels of consumption
November 27, 2018
The study findings have troubling implications for opioid abuse among surgical patients.