Anaerobically prepared donor FMT led to steroid-free remission of ulcerative colitis
January 15, 2019
Eight weeks after FMT, 32% of the donor group achieved steroid-free remission, compared with 9% of the autologous FMT group (odds ratio, 5; P = .03).
VTE prophylaxis often overused in low-risk patients
January 14, 2019
Is venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis being appropriately prescribed in hospitalized patients?
HDL-P subfractions may be prognostic in heart failure
January 14, 2019
Study may spur investigations into HDL particles.
SGLT-2 inhibitors promising for heart failure prevention, not treatment
January 12, 2019
LOS ANGELES – The combination of heart failure and diabetes is particularly lethal.
Flu season showing signs of decline
January 11, 2019
State and national measures of activity dropped during the first of week of 2019.
RE-SPECT ESUS: Dabigatran matched aspirin for second stroke prevention
January 9, 2019
MONTREAL – In an international trial with 5,390 patients, dabigatran proved no better than aspirin for second stroke prevention following ESUS.
AAN publishes position statement on brain death
January 8, 2019
The association calls for uniform laws and policies regarding brain death, as well as continued research and public education.
Appropriate use criteria for imaging in nonvalvular heart disease released
January 7, 2019
The document systematically reviews scenarios intended to reflect real-life situations.
New diabetes drugs solidify their cardiovascular and renal benefits
January 7, 2019
CHICAGO – Empagliflozin’s heart failure and renal benefits surprised when reported in 2015. The evidence has grown stronger and broader since.
Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program may be doing more harm than good
January 4, 2019
Thirty-day postdischarge mortality went up after the program for some, down for others.