Creating innovative discharge plans
April 4, 2019
Teamwork creates success at one institution.
‘Update in Hospital Medicine’ offered practice pearls at HM19
April 3, 2019
Topic choices reflected the breadth and diversity of patients taken care of by hospitalists.
30-day readmissions after STEMI with cardiogenic shock 13%
April 2, 2019
WASHINGTON – Risk factors for 30-day readmission included female sex, older age, and comorbidities.
More chest compression–only CPR leads to increased survival rates
April 1, 2019
This alternative for bystanders raises both CPR performance rates and patient survival.
HM19 Day One highlights: Pulmonary, critical care, and perioperative care updates (VIDEO)
March 29, 2019
Marina Farah, MD, MHA, and Kranthi Sitammagari, MD, editorial board members for The Hospitalist, discuss Day One highlights from HM19.
Cellulitis pearls
March 28, 2019
How would you treat this patient with cellulitis?
Artesunate to become first-line malaria treatment in U.S.
March 28, 2019
Artesunate will become the first-line treatment for malaria in the United States, following the discontinuation of quinidine.
Ticagrelor reversal agent looks promising
March 28, 2019
NEW ORLEANS – Ticagrelor’s antiplatelet effect was squelched within 5 minutes.
More fiber looks safe, might benefit ICU patients
March 27, 2019
MIAMI – Each 10-g increase in fiber intake over 72 hours correlated with a 0.3% median increase in the relative abundance of short-chain fatty acid–producing bacteria (P less than .01).
AAP updates 2019-2020 flu vaccine recommendations to include nasal spray
March 27, 2019
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concurs that both the nasal spray and flu vaccine are acceptable.