In pain treatment, racial bias common among physician trainees
April 24, 2019
MILWAUKEE – Most residents and fellows who demonstrated racial bias did not report that race factored into treatment decisions.
FDA approves generic naloxone spray for opioid overdose treatment
April 19, 2019
The agency said the naloxone nasal spray does not need assembly and can be used by anyone, regardless of medical training.
Short Takes
April 19, 2019
Short Takes
Ibrexafungerp effective against C. auris in two early case reports
April 18, 2019
Early findings from the CARES study show clinical improvement and eradication of candidemia.
Candida auris: Dangerous and here to stay
April 18, 2019
Mortality rates topped 50% during a protracted outbreak at a Spanish hospital.
Epinephrine linked with more refractory cardiogenic shock after acute MI
April 18, 2019
Is there a difference in safety and efficacy when using epinephrine versus norepinephrine for cardiogenic shock after successful reperfusion in acute myocardial infarction (AMI)?
Poor response to statins hikes risk of cardiovascular events
April 17, 2019
Patients with better outcomes were more likely to have initiated therapy with a more potent drug.
Prevalence and outcomes of incidental imaging findings
April 17, 2019
How frequently are incidental findings on imaging identified and how often do these findings represent true pathology?
More Medicare beneficiaries receiving hospice care services than in previous years
April 16, 2019
For patients with Medicare Fee-for-Service and Medicare Advantage, what are the trends regarding where they die and the type of health care received around the time of death?
Statin exposure associated with idiopathic inflammatory myositis
April 15, 2019
What is the association between exposure to statin medications and histologically confirmed idiopathic inflammatory myositis?