N.Y. hospitals report near-universal CMV screening when newborns fail hearing tests
May 11, 2019
BALTIMORE – Screening by saliva swab, with urine PCR confirmation.
AFib screening cuts hospitalizations and ED visits
May 11, 2019
NEW ORLEANS – People diagnosed with atrial fibrillation by screening had fewer hospitalizations and ED visits than those diagnosed by usual care.
Biomarker-based score predicts poor outcomes after acute ischemic stroke
May 10, 2019
PHILADELPHIA – A free app and online calculator are available to calculate the four-item ‘CoRisk’ score.
Unit-based models of care
May 10, 2019
Unit-based teams offer a basic framework to optimize the inpatient system to facilitate better workflow.
SGLT2 inhibitors prevent HF hospitalization regardless of baseline LVEF
May 9, 2019
NEW ORLEANS – “At least in my mind, we have more than enough evidence at this point to say that SGLT2 inhibitors are effective in preventing heart failure,” Dr. Mikhail Kosiborod said.
HM19: Pediatric clinical conundrums
May 9, 2019
The rare and the unusual often present opportunities for clinical learning.
Racial, economic disparities found in buprenorphine prescriptions
May 8, 2019
Black patients and patients without private health insurance are less likely to receive a buprenorphine prescription for opioid use disorder.
Quick Byte: Hope for HF patients
May 8, 2019
Device shows promise for heart failure patients.
The search for a life-changing innovation
May 7, 2019
A new book documents the decades-long pursuit of an artificial heart.
Single-center study outlines stroke risk, DOAC type in nonvalvular AFib patients
May 6, 2019
PHILADELPHIA –Rivaroxaban was more often than other DOACs associated with events in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation patients, based on a small study from a tertiary care center in Australia.