Generalist knowledge is an asset
August 5, 2019
Recognition of the place for HTFMs in hospital medicine has grown in recent years.
Older patients who stop statins may be increasing their cardiovascular risk
August 2, 2019
Discontinuation of statins was associated with an increased risk of hospital admission for a cardiovascular event.
Too many blood cultures ordered for pediatric SSTIs
August 2, 2019
SEATTLE – Culture draws were associated with a 20% increase in hospital length of stay.
Dispatch from HM19: COPD updates
August 2, 2019
Every COPD exacerbation is associated with economic, social, and mortality burdens.
AI technology meets AFib detection
August 2, 2019
An AI-enabled ECG model suggests clinical implications for early identification of atrial fibrillation.
Enteral feeding is safe during bronchiolitis HFNC
August 2, 2019
SEATTLE – Parents feel better when they know their children are “getting food in their belly.”
U.S. infant mortality continued slow decline in 2017
August 1, 2019
Massachusetts had the nation’s lowest rate; Mississippi had the highest.
Short-course azithromycin no benefit in pediatric asthma admissions
July 31, 2019
SEATTLE – Clinicians should consider these data before prescribing azithromycin to children hospitalized with asthma.
Short Takes
July 30, 2019
In the Literature's Short Takes
FDA approvals permit double-immunoassay approach to Lyme disease diagnosis
July 29, 2019
The streamlined approach to diagnosis may speed treatment of Lyme disease.