Study: Cardiac biomarkers predicted CV events in CAP
August 13, 2019
The results suggest a change in usual practice is needed to reduce cardiovascular community-acquired pneumonia complications, according to a study author.
Novel score spots high-risk febrile children in ED
August 13, 2019
LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA – The age-adapted pediatric quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score had a 99.6% negative predictive value.
Procalcitonin advocated to help rule out bacterial infections
August 13, 2019
SEATTLE – Use of procalcitonin may help decrease lumbar punctures and antibiotic exposure.
Algorithm boosts MACE prediction in patients with chest pain
August 12, 2019
High-sensitivity cardiac troponin measurements combined with ECG and clinical assessment can help rule out MACE and unstable angina.
PTSD in the inpatient setting
August 12, 2019
Clinicians should know that hospitalization may exacerbate the symptoms of PTSD.
In newborns, concentrated urine helps rule out UTI
August 8, 2019
SEATTLE – Dr. Raymond Parlar-Chun: “If urine is concentrated, you have [more confidence] that you don’t have a UTI if you’re negative.“
Sepsis survivors’ persistent immunosuppression raises mortality risk
August 7, 2019
Individuals with persistent biomarkers of inflammation and immunosuppression had a higher risk of readmission and death because of cardiovascular disease.
Hospital slashes S. aureus vancomycin resistance
August 7, 2019
LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA – Staphylococcus aureus resistance to vancomycin is not a one-way street ending in a cliff plunge.
CDC finds that too little naloxone is dispensed
August 6, 2019
Despite increases in the number of naloxone prescriptions dispensed, many patients at risk for overdose are not offered the potentially life-saving treatment, according to an analysis of national retail pharmacy data.
IV fluid weaning unnecessary after gastroenteritis rehydration
August 6, 2019
SEATTLE – Saving “even a couple hours” to get kids out of the hospital quicker matters.