ARNIs effective for acute decompensated heart failure
September 9, 2019
In patients hospitalized for acute decompensated heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), is an angiotensin receptor–neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI) as effective as enalapril in reducing levels of N-terminal of the prohormone brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP)?
Wrong cuff size throws off pediatric BP by 5 mm Hg
September 7, 2019
NEW ORLEANS – The study helps inform the use of a cuff that’s too big or too small when the correct sized cuff is unavailable.
Health care–associated infection rates going down
September 6, 2019
Have targeted quality improvement measures led to an improvement in the prevalence of health care–associated infections (HAIs)?
Use of a CDSS increases safe outpatient management of low-risk PE patients
September 5, 2019
Does the use of an electronic clinical decision support system (CDSS) increase the number of low-risk patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE) discharged from the ED without increasing adverse events?
Type of renal dysfunction affects liver cirrhosis mortality risk
September 4, 2019
Patients with acute on chronic kidney disease fared the worst.
Predicted risk of cardiac complications varies among risk calculators
September 4, 2019
How frequently is there concordance between three recommended risk calculators in categorizing a patient as low risk for major adverse cardiac event (MACE)?
Early extubation to noninvasive ventilation did not decrease time to liberation from ventilation
September 3, 2019
In difficult to wean patients, does a weaning protocol with noninvasive ventilation result in earlier liberation from ventilation, compared with invasive weaning (continued invasive ventilation until successful spontaneous breathing trial)?
HFNC 12 L/min on floor cuts down on bronchiolitis ICU transfers
September 2, 2019
Switching from 6 L/min makes a difference.
Standardized communication may prevent anticoagulant adverse drug events
September 2, 2019
What information is needed on discharge to reduce anticoagulant adverse drug events (ADEs)?
POP AGE shakes up DAPT in elderly
September 1, 2019
PARIS – Clopidogrel hailed as P2Y12 inhibitor of choice in older patients with non-ST-elevation ACS.