ASE issues echocardiography guidance amid COVID-19 pandemic
April 21, 2020
The ASE urges careful consideration of whom, where, and how to image to reduce the risks of SARS-CoV-2 transmission among echocardiography providers.
FDA authorizes first COVID-19 test kit with home collection option
April 21, 2020
The Pixel test includes a specific Q-tip–style cotton swab for patients to use to collect their samples.
PCSK9 inhibitors unexpectedly link with lower VTE, aortic stenosis
April 21, 2020
Post hoc analyses of data from as many as 46,000 patients showed surprising links between PCSK9 inhibition and reduced rates of VTE and aortic stenosis.
Interim guidance for CPR in patients with COVID-19
April 20, 2020
Performing CPR on patients with COVID-19 raises unique challenges. Interim guidance suggests approaches to mitigate risk to patients and providers.
EHA and TIF explore how COVID-19 is affecting thalassemia and SCD patients
April 20, 2020
Thalassemia patients appeared to fare relatively well after COVID-19 diagnosis in anecdotal series reports from Europe.
Flexibility and speed mark the race to a COVID-19 vaccine
April 20, 2020
As the world waits, how many shortcuts can be taken safely?
Researchers investigate impact of smoking on COVID-19 risk
April 20, 2020
Early reports from China showed a case fatality rate of 4.7% for men, compared with 2.8% for women.
Switching gears at high speed
April 20, 2020
Michigan Medicine’s ICU Bootcamp is for clinicians who haven’t practiced in an ICU for a while.
2019-2020 flu season ends with ‘very high’ activity in New Jersey
April 17, 2020
Influenza activity has been at or above the national baseline since early November.
Infectious disease experts say testing is key to reopening
April 17, 2020
Experts stressed the need for “stepwise approach,” with an emphasis on testing and surveillance.