Chilblain-like lesions reported in children thought to have COVID-19
May 21, 2020
Two case series from Europe describe chilblain-like lesions in children with mild symptoms of COVID-19.
Large COVID-19 dataset: Kidney injury in >35% of those in hospital
May 20, 2020
The clearest risk factors for the development of AKI were “the need for ventilator support or vasopressor drug treatment.”
COVID-19 exacerbating challenges for Latino patients
May 20, 2020
The disparities are likely tied to economic and social conditions more common among such populations, compared with non-Hispanic whites.
New diagnostic CT scan model predicts pulmonary hypertension
May 20, 2020
“Patients found not to have PH on CT have an excellent outcome,” the investigators wrote.
Inflammation, thrombosis biomarkers tied to COVID-19 deaths
May 20, 2020
“Of particular interest is the finding that over three quarters of critically ill patients required a ventilator and almost one third required renal dialysis support.”
DOACs linked to lower fracture risk versus warfarin in AFib patients
May 20, 2020
The results suggest women may particularly benefit from DOAC use.
Maskomania: Masks and COVID-19
May 19, 2020
Masks alone are not enough to control COVID-19 and must be coupled with other nonpharmacologic interventions.
AGS issues pandemic resource allocation recommendations amid ageism concerns
May 19, 2020
Rationing strategies that are solely, or predominantly, based on age cutoffs could lead to persistent beliefs that older adults’ lives are less valuable than others.
Vitamin D: A low-hanging fruit in COVID-19?
May 19, 2020
Experts weigh in on how much vitamin D people need in light of results from new studies.
TNF inhibitors may dampen COVID-19 severity
May 19, 2020
New findings from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance Registry.