COVID-19-related inflammatory condition more common in black children in small study
June 5, 2020
It appears any increased risk in black children for developing the multisystem inflammatory syndrome linked to COVID-19 is likely due to social disparities.
COVID-19 neurologic effects: Does the virus directly attack the brain?
June 5, 2020
There are neurologic sequelae of COVID-19. “We need to be alert to these, and to try to understand the potential long-term consequences.”
FDA approves new antibiotic for HABP/VABP treatment
June 5, 2020
Recarbrio was previously approved by the FDA to treat patients with complicated urinary tract infections and complicated intra-abdominal infections.
Lancet, NEJM retract studies on hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19
June 4, 2020
The Lancet issued a retraction of an influential study of hydroxychloroquine use in COVID-19 patients. Hours later, NEJM retracted a second study from the same group.
Should healthcare workers wear masks at home?
June 4, 2020
A new study says wearing a mask at home could cut transmission of SARS-CoV-2 within families, but is it worth it?
FLU/SAL inhalers for COPD carry greater pneumonia risk
June 4, 2020
Pneumonia risks from different types of inhaled corticosteroids have not been well understood.
Patients’ perceptions and high hospital use
June 4, 2020
What are patients’ perspectives of factors associated with the onset and continuation of high hospital use?
More fatalities in heart transplant patients with COVID-19
June 4, 2020
A new study suggests a high risk for death if heart transplant patients contract COVID-19, which points to the need for increased precautions and vigilance.
Americans avoided emergency departments early in the pandemic
June 3, 2020
CDC: Visits over 4 weeks dropped by 42%, compared with the corresponding period in 2019.
Reducing low-value preop care for cataract surgery patients
June 3, 2020
Can a quality improvement project decrease low-value, preoperative testing for cataract patients?