A ‘foolproof’ way to diagnose narrow complex tachycardias on EKGs
August 13, 2020
Ask these three questions about the EKG to quickly arrive at the right diagnosis.
Determining cause of skin lesions in COVID-19 patients remains challenging
August 13, 2020
“By considering adverse drug reactions in the differential diagnosis, dermatologists can be useful in assisting in the care of these patients.”
Since COVID-19 onset, admissions for MI are down, mortality rates are up
August 13, 2020
Acute MI admissions fell but mortality rose with the onset of COVID-19 pandemic.
Cancer treatments bring concerns for hospitalists
August 13, 2020
With checkpoint inhibitors and CAR T-cell therapy, hospitalists need to act quickly to avoid problems that can affect nearly any organ in the body.
COVID-19/heart connection: What hospitalists need to know
August 13, 2020
Be selective in ordering cardiac biomarker tests for COVID-19 patients, cardiologist advises.
‘Doubling down’ on hydroxychloroquine QT prolongation in COVID-19
August 12, 2020
Patients had progressively longer QT intervals with hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin, but also frequently received other drugs that had QT-prolonging effects, in a new study.
Continued extension of time for thrombolysis in stroke
August 12, 2020
Is thrombolysis beneficial between 4.5 and 9 hours after onset of stroke in patients with hypoperfused but salvageable regions of brain detected on automated perfusion imaging?
Consensus document reviews determination of brain death
August 12, 2020
The recommendations are the minimum criteria for the determination of brain death or death by neurologic criteria.
Long-lasting COVID-19 symptoms: Patients want answers
August 11, 2020
Patient who have recovered from COVID-19 may be wondering when their disease will finally resolve.
COVID-19 cases in children nearly doubled in just 4 weeks
August 11, 2020
AAP president: “In areas with rapid community spread, it’s likely that more children will also be infected.”