PPE shortage could last years without strategic plan, experts warn
August 17, 2020
“If we had a more coordinated response with a partnership between the medical field, the government and the private industry, it would help improve the supply chain to the areas that need it most.”
The evidence is not clear: Rheumatic diseases, drugs, and COVID-19
August 17, 2020
Robust is not the word to use when describing the current state of COVID-19 research.
Pooled COVID-19 testing feasible, greatly reduces supply use
August 14, 2020
“The benefit definitely outweighs the risk of false-negative specimens because false-negative results rarely occur.”
How to truly connect with your patients
August 14, 2020
Human connection in health care is the need of the hour.
CDC data confirm mental health is suffering during COVID-19
August 14, 2020
The prevalence of symptoms of anxiety disorder alone was roughly three times that reported in the second quarter of 2019.
Does metformin reduce risk for death in COVID-19?
August 14, 2020
“It is still unclear whether metformin is truly a miracle drug or whether it is simply used more often among people who are healthier and who do not have contraindications to its use.”
COVID-19 and masks: Doctor, may I be excused?
August 14, 2020
“If you look at the research, patients with COPD, those with reactive airway, even those can breathe through a mask.”
NAFLD may predict arrhythmia recurrence post-AFib ablation
August 14, 2020
The presence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease adds a further modifiable target for preablation medical optimization, researchers say.
Risk stratification key in acute pulmonary embolism
August 14, 2020
“I think if I had to pick the one thing that drives my decision the most about whether someone needs more aggressive therapy than anticoagulation, it’s probably heart rate.”
PHM20 Virtual: Common incidental findings seen on pediatric imaging
August 13, 2020
Incidental findings are very common in pediatric imaging.