Signs of an ‘October vaccine surprise’ alarm career scientists
September 22, 2020
If the executive branch were to overrule the FDA’s scientific judgment, a vaccine of limited efficacy and, worse, unknown side effects could be rushed to market.
CDC adds then retracts aerosols as main COVID-19 mode of transmission
September 21, 2020
WHO has long stated that coronavirus is spread mainly by droplets that, once expelled by coughs and sneezes of infected people, fall quickly to the floor.
‘Cautious’ DOAC underdosing in AFib may push mortality higher
September 21, 2020
Risk-averse clinicians might be doing more harm than good by prescribing direct oral anticoagulants at lower-than-recommended dosages in hope of avoiding bleeding complications, suggests a study.
Observational study again suggests lasting impact of COVID-19 on heart
September 21, 2020
Cardiac MR study raises concern for myocarditis post COVID in some young athletes, but commentators suggest these and other such findings are too weak to suggest routine screening with CMR.
Low vitamin D in COVID-19 predicts ICU admission, poor survival
September 18, 2020
The “data give strong observational support to previous suggestions that reduced vitamin D levels may favor the appearance of severe respiratory dysfunction and increase the mortality risk in patients affected with COVID-19,” according to researchers.
Noninvasive ventilation: Options and cautions for patients with COVID-19
September 18, 2020
“When you are intubating someone, whether they have COVID-19 or not, you are in the belly of the beast.”
Nocturnal oxygen no help for isolated desaturation in COPD
September 17, 2020
Patients with COPD who do not qualify for long-term oxygen therapy are commonly prescribed nocturnal oxygen.
2020-2021 respiratory viral season: Onset, presentations, and testing likely to differ in pandemic
September 17, 2020
Expect variations on the traditional parade of seasonal respiratory viruses, with increased numbers of coinfections.
Dr. Fauci: ‘About 40%-45% of infections are asymptomatic’
September 17, 2020
Transmission by asymptomatic individuals have made response strategies, such as contact tracing, extremely difficult to implement.
Many providers don’t follow hypertension guidelines
September 17, 2020
Most health care professionals rely on clinic BP measurements to make a new diagnosis of hypertension, and view pressure measured manually with a cuff and stethoscope as accurate.