Biologics may protect psoriasis patients against severe COVID-19
November 2, 2020
Preliminary evidence suggests biologics prevent the fearsome COVID-19 late cytokine storm.
Updated heart failure measures add newer meds
November 2, 2020
Updated measures for heart failure account for newer medications, drug titration in cardiac resynchronization therapy, and patient-reported outcomes.
Med student’s cardiac crisis a COVID-era medical mystery
November 2, 2020
“I definitely thought there was a chance I would close my eyes and never open them again, but I only had a few seconds to process that.”
Hospitalists are natural leaders in the COVID-19 battle
October 30, 2020
Hospitalists have played leading roles in their health systems’ response to the pandemic.
Echocardiography in AMI not associated with improved outcomes
October 30, 2020
Does the use of echocardiography have any association with outcomes in acute myocardial infarction (AMI)?
COVID and med ed cost: Are future docs paying more for less?
October 30, 2020
“Am I just going to end up doing most of my year online, and what does that look like for my future patients?”
Two COVID-19 outpatient antibody drugs show encouraging results
October 30, 2020
Two COVID-19 antibody treatments, one developed by Regeneron and the other by Eli Lilly, show promise in the outpatient setting.
Skin symptoms common in COVID-19 ‘long-haulers’
October 30, 2020
Many studies have reported dermatologic effects of COVID-19 infection, but information was lacking about duration.
Surgery for adhesive small-bowel obstruction linked with lower risk of recurrence
October 29, 2020
What is the association between operative intervention for adhesive small-bowel obstruction (aSBO) and long-term risk of recurrence?
COVID-19 diagnosed on CTA scan in stroke patients
October 29, 2020
“As part of the stroke evaluation workup process, we were able to diagnose COVID-19 at the same time at no extra cost or additional workload.”