
  1. Thomas F Heston MD

    The claim that low-dose aspirin use in healthy older adults elevates the risk of serious falls is clinically misleading and lacks meaningful statistical support. Despite a p-value < 0.05, the fragility index was 5 with a fragility quotient (FQ) of 0.0003. Although defining specific thresholds for fragility is not universally agreed upon, there is broad consensus that a FQ of 0.0003 signifies highly fragile data. Clinical practice should not be changed based on such unreliable statistical findings. Reference: M.V.F. Garcia, J.C. Ferreira and P. Caruso (2023) Fragility index and fragility quotient in randomized clinical trials. Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia. [doi]:10.36416/1806-3756/e20230034 {PMID}:36946820 PMCID:PMC10171299)


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