The good news is we aren’t alone in our efforts to change the culture, even the mission, of our hospitals. In a time of healthcarewide workforce shortages, there are increasing demands for direct inpatient care, coupled with the added time needed to document current performance and train and implement needed improvements. The only way to meet all of the volume and performance demands is with process change. We need a different way to deliver care to hospitalized patients.
All-Star Teams
High-performing organizations are composed of high-performance teams and a set of operating principles that create a widespread culture of motivated individuals who are focused on metrics, are execution-driven, and are committed to continual improvement and rapid adaptation.
The characteristics of high-performance teams are that they:
- Self-correct and reallocate resources;
- Have clear roles and responsibilities;
- Have clear, valued, and shared visions;
- Have strong team leadership;
- Develop a strong sense of “collective” trust and confidence; and
- Manage and optimize performance outcomes.
SHM has taken the lead at a national level in helping to organize the Hospital Care Collaborative (HCC), which is made up of CEOs and leaders in nursing, pharmacy, case management, social workers, and respiratory therapy. The HCC has published a set of “Common Principles” (see “Common Principles for the Hospital Care Collaborative”) and is planning to develop practical strategies for building high-performance teams at our nation’s hospitals.
SHM recently received support from Ortho-McNeil and has created a partnership with the American Hospital Association, American Organization of Nurse Executives, and American College of Physician Executives to develop principles and strategies to implement high-performance teams and to use this as a springboard to look at hospital care in the broadest sense (including transfers with medical home and accountable-care organizations). To start, SHM has convened a blue-ribbon group of hospital CMOs, CQOs, nursing executives, and other leaders in the hospital C-suite. Former SHM president Pat Cawley, MD, MBA, FHM, assistant professor and executive medical officer at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, will chair this effort.
In these two initiatives, SHM and national hospital leaders are providing direction and innovation at two entry points—the C-suite and executive team—as well as on the front lines with the other healthcare professionals who care for our nation’s hospitalized patients.
More to Come
HM has had an interesting decade, growing to more than 30,000 hospitalists now practicing in 75% of our nation’s hospitals. We’ve taken on comanagement and are providing real success as change agents. But the decade to come will see the reinvention of our nation’s hospitals and distinct changes in workflow and responsibilities. We are moving from care based on the unit of the visit or the procedure to episodes of care. We are moving from a system that rewards just doing something to one that rewards doing the correct thing and doing it well. We are moving our hospitals from a swap meet where each physician has a booth and everyone supports those individual efforts to an institution with a culture that is patient-centered, based on quality measurement and performance, and provides care delivered by teams of health professionals working in concert.
This is a world that hospitalists can thrive in and, with your help and direction, SHM will provide the tools along the way. TH
Dr. Wellikson is CEO of SHM.