Seventh Effective Stratagem: Physicians should aggressively pursue defibrillation as early as possible during resuscitation especially on non-monitored wards where nurses are less likely to be ACLS trained and less likely to be familiar with defibrillator operation.
Resuscitation, the act of bringing back life from imminent death, is one of the most sensationalized practices in medicine and dates almost to the beginning of recorded history. In the past two decades, increasingly evidence-based guidelines have tried to provide a guide to help practitioners treat patients effectively in the minutes after cardiopulmonary collapse. Unfortunately, with each new iteration of the guidelines, it has become increasingly difficult to determine which strategies offer the highest yield or the most import. As ILCOR meets in 2005 to revise the guidelines once again, hopefully the most important strategies will be given their proper highlight, providing clinicians with increased comfort and confidence with cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
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