Project BOOST webinar series:
- Project BOOST Teach-Back;
- Project BOOST Presents “Partnering with Skilled Nursing Facilities”; and
- Project BOOST Presents “Approaches to Readmission Risk Stratification.”
Glycemic control webinar series:
- Perioperative Management of Hyperglycemia;
- Hypoglycemia Management and Prevention; and
- Subcutaneous Insulin Order Sets in the Inpatient Setting: Design and Implementation.
General QI webinars:
- Quality Improvement for Hospital Medicine Groups: Self-Assessment and Self-Improvement Using the SHM Key Characteristics;
- Coaching a Quality Improvement Team: Basics for Being Sure Any QI Team and Project Are on the Right Track; and
- Elevating Provider Experience to Improve Patient Experience.
Evaluate Your Performance with the ACS Performance Improvement CME Program

Approximately 1.7 million patients are hospitalized for acute coronary syndrome (ACS), and 600,000 die because of an acute myocardial infarction. While ACS is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, a broad range of clinical strategies can affect outcomes if implemented effectively. In addition, quality improvement strategies implemented around ACS can improve performance on quality measures.
The ACS PI-CME is a self-directed, web-based activity designed to help you evaluate your practice. Registration is FREE. Upon completion of the activity, participants will receive 20 CME Credits.
For details, visit and click “REGISTER.”