Post-hospital appointments. I think arranging post-hospital appointments should be no more difficult for the hospitalist than ordering a complete blood count (CBC). It shouldn’t matter whether I want the patient to follow up with the PCP he has been seeing for years, or see a neurologist or diabetes educator as a new patient consult. Any treating doctor in the hospital should be able to arrange such post-hospital visits with just a click or two in the EHR, or a stroke of the pen. And the patient should leave the hospital with a written date and time of the appointment that has been made for them.
Few hospitals can reliably provide this, however, so, all too often, hospitalists spend their time calling clerical staff at outpatient clinics to arrange appointments, writing them down, and delivering them to patients. This is far from what anyone would consider top of license work. (I wrote a little more about this in last month’s column.)
Medicare benefits specialist. Many hospitalists end up spending significant time explaining to patients and families the reason a patient is on observation status and trying to defuse the resulting frustration and anger. As I stated in my November 2014 column, I think observation status is so frustrating to patients that it is often the root cause of complaints about care and, potentially, the source of malpractice suits.
Physicians have an unavoidable role in determining observation versus inpatient status, but I think hospitals should work hard to ensure that someone other than the doctor is available to explain to patients and families the reason for observation status, along with its implications, and to provide sympathy for their frustrations. This allows the doctor to stay focused on clinical care.
Limit reliance on a “triage hospitalist.” Hospitalist groups larger than about 20 providers often have one provider devoted through much of a daytime shift to triaging and assigning new referrals across all providers working that day. For larger practices, this triage work may consume all of the provider’s shift, so that person has no time left for clinical care. It is hard for me to see this as top of license work that only a physician or advanced practice clinician can do. In my December 2010 column, I provided some potential alternatives to dedicating a physician or other provider to a triage role.
Your list of important changes that are needed to move hospitalists toward more time spent working at the top of their license will likely differ a lot from the issues above. But every group could benefit from deliberately thinking about what would be most valuable for them and trying to make that a reality.

Dr. Nelson has been a practicing hospitalist since 1988. He is co-founder and past president of SHM, and principal in Nelson Flores Hospital Medicine Consultants. He is co-director for SHM’s “Best Practices in Managing a Hospital Medicine Program” course. Write to him at [email protected].