As Consumer Reports suggests, the first step to implementing cost-conscious care is to measure awareness of cost and causes of overutilization. By first understanding behaviors, a group can then work to impact such behaviors. It is highly likely that the drivers are different based on the specialty of the physician, the patient population being served, and the local healthcare market drivers. As such, there will not be a single, across-the-board solution to reducing unnecessary utilization of services (and therefore cost), but interventions will need to be tailored to different groups depending on the drivers of cost locally.
Depending on the issues within a group, successful interventions could include:
- Decision support tools (for appropriate use of consultants and diagnostic tests)
- Display of testing costs (not just at the time of ordering)
- Efforts aimed at patient education (both as general consumers as well as at the point of care)
- Malpractice reform to support physicians trying to balance cost consciousness with patient welfare
In Sum
We have a long way to go in engaging physicians in efforts to reduce unnecessary utilization and cost. I recommend that hospitalist practices utilize the survey tool used in this study to understand the perceived barriers and drivers of cost within their practice and work with their local administrative teams to better understand patterns of overutilization among their group. Then interventions can be designed to be evidence-based, tailored to local workflow, and both reliable and sustainable.
If done well, hospitalists can have a huge impact on utilization and cost and position their groups and their hospitals well to succeed in this cost-constrained era of healthcare. TH
- Colla CH, Kinsella EA, Morden NE, Meyers DJ, Rosenthal MB, Sequist TD. Physician perception of Choosing Wisely and drivers of overuse. Am J Manag Care. 2016;22(5):337-343.

Dr. Scheurer is a hospitalist and chief quality officer at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. She is physician editor of The Hospitalist. Email her at [email protected].