It would also be wise to seek advice from colleagues before posting patient information, she notes.
- Do not blur the boundaries between your professional and social spheres.
In a 2011 study, Gabriel Bosslet, MD, assistant professor of clinical medicine and associate director of the fellowship in pulmonary and critical care medicine at Indiana University–Purdue University at Indianapolis, noted that 34% of participating physicians reported receiving a Facebook friend request from a patient or patient’s family member. As Dr. Chretien points out, this is less of a problem for hospitalists than private-practice physicians because the relationship with patients is transitory. The AMA, as well as the ACP and FSMB, note that physicians should not “friend” patients, accept friend requests, or contact patients through social media. Physicians are advised to keep their public and professional online personas separate, even to the point of creating distinct online identities for their personal and professional lives.
- Maintain professionalism in your online persona, and continually monitor your online image to ensure it reflects positively on yourself and the medical profession.
Some physicians fall into the trap of placing questionable postings on their personal pages, including posting content that can be inappropriate for public consumption or venting about patients and employers. Stories or incidents that medical professionals find intriguing or exciting may be disturbing to those outside their community, and medical humor can be offensive.
“[Physicians] assume [their social media page] is their personal space, so they can post whatever they want,” adds Dr. Chretien. “Part of their error is that they believe they are addressing a small group of close friends, but they forget that postings go out to the larger, peripheral audience of all Facebook friends and can often be accessed by the general public.” An ill-considered anecdote can damage not only your own reputation but also the overall perception of the profession. Physicians are always viewed in their professional role, even in social interactions.
- Use email and other forms of electronic communication only in cases of an established physician-patient relationship and only with informed patient consent. Documentation of these communications should be kept in the patient’s medical record.
Any request a physician receives for medical advice through a social media site or email must be handled with caution. The ACP and FSMB state that email and text communications with established patients can be beneficial but should occur only after both parties discuss privacy risks, the appropriate types of information that will be exchanged electronically, and how long patients should expect to wait for a physician response. Patient preference should guide the use of electronic communication with physicians, especially text messaging, says Dr. Greysen.
- Be aware that any postings on the Internet, because of its significant and unprecedented reach, can have future career ramifications. Consequently, physicians are advised to frequently monitor their online presence to control their image.
Dr. Greysen points out that presenting a positive image of physicians in the media is not a new challenge. “Physicians have been publishing books about their experiences for decades. But posting online without oversight, or in the moment without reflection, can be devastating to a physician’s career because the reach of the Internet is exponentially vaster than that of any printed material,” Dr. Greysen says.
Deliver Better Healthcare through Social Media
Perhaps one of the most dramatic ways in which social media is positively impacting healthcare is the FOAM movement, or free open access medical education. Jeanne Farnan, MD, associate professor of medicine at the University of Chicago Department of Medicine and lead author of the ACP and FSMB social media position paper, points to the dynamic collection of resources and tools for ongoing medical education as well as the community that participates in openly sharing knowledge as examples. FOAM resources are predominantly social media based and include blogs, podcasts, tweets, online videos, graphics, web-based applications, text documents, and photographs, many of which are available by following the Twitter feed @FOAMed (see “FOAM Links” below). This FOAM community is dedicated to the belief that high-quality medical education resources and interactions should be free and accessible to all who care for patients and especially to those who educate future physicians.8