Serotonin Syndrome
September 1, 2008
Sleuth out and treat this potentially life-threatening problem
The latest research you need to know
September 1, 2008
Literature at a Glance ICU management by critical care physicians may increase the odds of hospital mortality Iatrogenic drug overdose common among patients with renal insufficiency An educational effort lowers hospital mortality for severe sepsis and septic shock SSRI and problem-s
Behind the Scenes
September 1, 2008
Welcome to SHM 2.0
Mixed Messages Called Out
September 1, 2008
I am a hospitalist outsider. A traditional internist, I cared for my patients in and out of the hospital, provided ICU and unassigned ED call, and later transitioned to hospital-only work.
Canadian Hospitalists: Time to Stand Up
September 1, 2008
B.C. hospitalists update U.S. colleagues on their movement
Hitting the Big Time
September 1, 2008
Hospitalist leaders wrestle with personnel, financial, and mission challenges as groups expand
Doctor Remodel
August 2, 2008
A comparison to contractors hits a nerve and inspires an improvement project
Plan Good Discharges
August 2, 2008
Develop your arsenal of transition-of-care tactics
Coat Tales
August 2, 2008
Hospitalists’ constant mobility means essential tools must be close at hand
The Patient Has Left the Building
August 2, 2008
How long are hospitalists responsible for monitoring?