Noisy Hospitals Impede Sleep
October 1, 2012
Sleep-disturbing noise can compromise a patient's recovery process and negatively affect patients' quality of care
77 Million U.S. Residents Have Difficulty Understanding Basic Health Information
October 1, 2012
Report by the Institute of Medicine suggests ways to bridge the gaps to understanding that include making it a priority among healthcare providers to ensure patients understand basic information
Win Whitcomb: Hospital Readmissions Penalties Start Now
October 1, 2012
Hospitals must meet October 1st deadline for complying with the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services' Hospital Readmission Reduction Program or risk financial penalties
Alternative Healthcare Models Aim to Boost Sagging Critical-Care Workforce
October 1, 2012
Experts most commonly propose creating tiered, regionalized care structures, tele-ICU services, and augmenting the role of midlevel providers
Guidelines Drive Optimal Care for Heart Failure Patients
October 1, 2012
For patients with heart failure, adhering to recommended therapies reduces 24-month mortality risk
12 Things Cardiologists Think Hospitalists Need to Know
October 1, 2012
Experts offer practical advice to help you care for the growing number of heart-failure patients.
Follow-Up Appointments Essential for Heart Failure Patients
October 1, 2012
Risk of rehospitalization low for heart-failure patients who follow-up with their outpatient doctors
Managing the Customer Care Experience in Hospital Care
October 1, 2012
What healthcare can learn from Jiffy Lube and Cheesecake Factory
Navigating Rapid Changes in Healthcare Made Easy
October 1, 2012
Direction and motivation are key to overcoming healthcare's obstacles
Hospitalist-Led Teams Vital to Improved ED Care
September 27, 2012
Hospitalists reduce diversion, improve patient flow, JHM study shows