Reviews of Research on Steroids and VTE Risk, Epidural Catheterization, and Beta-Blockers During Noncardiac Surgery
August 2, 2013
Also reviewed this month: advance-care planning for hospitalized elderly, impact of surgical complications, and patient-centered decision making
Observation Status Designation in Pediatric Hospitals Is Costly
August 2, 2013
Study shows health-care costs for inconsistently coded observation stays substantially overlap with inpatient-status stays
A History of Observation Hospital Stays in Pediatrics
August 2, 2013
Designation once used by physicians unsure of whether a patient's hospitalization would exceed 24 hours is now inconsistently applied in pediatric admissions
How to Manage Pain in Patients with Renal Insufficiency or End-Stage Renal Disease on Dialysis?
August 2, 2013
Narcotic and non-narcotic pain regimens can be used
American College of Gastroenterology Releases C. Diff Recommendations
August 2, 2013
ACG guidelines on managing, diagnosing, preventing Clostridium difficile infections supplement previous advisories from other groups
The Pros and Cons of Electronic Health Records
August 2, 2013
Payments for demonstrating meaningful use of EHR technology can benefit eligible professionals, hospitals, but problems with upcoding, physician notes persist
Bundled-Payment Program Basics
August 2, 2013
Hospitalists’ roles and financial stake in health-care reimbursement model of accountable care organizations
Congressional Budget Office Says Health-Care Inflation Is Slowing
August 2, 2013
CBO lowers its projections for next decade's spending on Medicare, Medicaid, extended insurance coverage under Affordable Care Act
Technology Developers Encouraged to Make Hospital Pricing More Transparent
August 2, 2013
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to award $120,00 in prizes to creator of intuitive, actionable tools that demystify health care costs for consumers
Joint Commission Tackles Alarm-Fatigue Risks from Medical Devices
August 2, 2013
Report finds barrage of warning noises can desensitize, distract professional caregivers from true emergencies