Hospitalist Groups Extract New Solutions Via Data Mining
October 1, 2013
Technology can assist with clinical decision-making, predict health insurance fraud, identify at-risk patients
Observation Status Not So Well-Defined in Hospitals
September 25, 2013
Use of inpatient designation in clinical practice inconsistent with CMS definition
CMS Allows Residents, Advanced Practitioners to Admit Inpatients
September 25, 2013
Clarification to agency’s final rule dispels concerns about limited admitting privileges for nonstaff physicians
Earlier Thrombolysis, Better Outcome for Stroke Patients
September 20, 2013
For patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke, is earlier onset of thrombolytic therapy associated with better outcomes?
Aspirin As Safe and Effective As LMWH for Extended Thromboprophylaxis after THA
September 20, 2013
Is aspirin as effective as dalteparin for extended venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in patients who have undergone total hip arthroplasty?
online TK 5
September 17, 2013
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Information Exchange Among Hospitals, Healthcare Providers Spikes
September 11, 2013
Number of exchanges overall jumps 41%, though amount of shared clinical-care summaries, medication lists still lacking
Healthcare Cost Containment Not High Priority for Most Physicians
September 11, 2013
Many pin responsibility on lawyers, insurers, hospitals, and health systems, JAMA survey shows
Mentored Implementation Program Highlights Need for Improved Medication Reconciliation
September 6, 2013
Thorough, vetted medication history on admission is key to smooth hospital stay, discharge
PODCAST: Evidence-based Medicine in Hospital Practice
September 2, 2013
How hospitalists can make evidence-based medicine part of their daily practice.