Hospitalists Have Opportunity to Transform Healthcare
November 1, 2013
Despite system-wide challenges, hospitalists should strive to redefine the practice of medicine
CDC Expert Discusses MRSA Infections and Monitoring for Anti-Microbial Resistance
November 1, 2013
Jean Patel, PhD, deputy director of the Office of Antimicrobial Resistance at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, talks about MRSA infections and the importance of close monitoring for new signs of anti-microbial resistance
Pros and Cons of Clinical Observation Units
November 1, 2013
Hospital COUs can prevent inpatient admissions, reduce healthcare costs, and shorten lengths of stay, but the patient-care model has raised concerns
Clinical Vignettes 101
November 1, 2013
How to develop, write, and submit a clinical vignette for presentation at a scientific meeting
Massachusetts Hospitalists Experiment with Unit-Based Rounding
November 1, 2013
We're also incorporating multidisciplinary rounds, where the hospitalist, case management, social services, physical therapy, and perhaps pharmacy meet each day and review each patient’s progress through the hospitalization
Hospitalist Greg Harlan Embraces Everything Hospital Medicine Career Offers
November 1, 2013
The physician administrator, clinical instructor, and pediatric hospitalist enjoys the innovation, energy, freedom that comes with working in HM
Veterans Affairs National Quality Scholars Fellowship Program Offers Hospitalists Training Opportunity
November 1, 2013
Two-year curriculum helps physicians improve leadership, quality improvement, research skills
Industry Insider Explains the State of Medical Liability Insurance
November 1, 2013
Mike Matray, editor of trade publication Medical Liability Monitor, explains the state of medical liability insurance
How to Handle Medicare Documentation Audits
November 1, 2013
Providing comprehensive, timely responses is crucial to preventing claims denial
Shorter Door-to-Balloon Time for Heart Attack Patients
November 1, 2013
Average elapsed time for patients who underwent primary percutaneous coronary interventions was 67 minutes in 2009 versus 83 minutes in 2005