Precaution Guidelines Updated for Visitors of Inpatients with Infectious Diseases
May 29, 2015
Hospitalists may soon see changes in precaution protocols for some hospital visitors, thanks to a revised set of guidelines published by the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA).
Most Hospitalists Not Eager to Screen Inpatients for Breast Cancer: JHM Study
May 29, 2015
A recent Journal of Hospital Medicine study found that most hospitalists do not believe they should be involved in breast cancer screening for their hospitalized patients who are overdue for a screening. Study authors at Johns Hopkins Bayview (JHB) Medical Center in Baltimore surveyed nearly 100
Newest SHM Board Member Eager to Make Positive Impact
May 19, 2015
Christopher Frost, MD, FHM, has accomplished a lot in his career. He retired as a major from the U.S. Air Force Reserve. He's been an ED physician.
Antibiotic Regimens Compared for Treating Uncomplicated Skin Infections
May 19, 2015
Clinical question: What are the efficacy and safety of clindamycin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) for treatment of uncomplicated soft tissue infections in adults and children? Background: Clindamycin and TMP-SMX are commonly used treatments for uncomplicated skin infections
To Battle Burnout, Jerome C. Siy, MD, CHIE, SFHM, Instructs Hospitalist Leaders to Engage, Communicate, and Create a “Culture”
May 6, 2015
Studies show nearly one in three hospitalists will experience long-term exhaustion or diminished interest in their work.1 Burned out physicians have low empathy, don’t communicate well, and provide poor quality of care.
Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM)-American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Joint Statement on Hospitalists Trained in Family Medicine
May 6, 2015
Hospitalists are physicians whose primary professional focus is the general medical care of hospitalized patients.
Society of Hospital Medicine Welcomes New Fellows Class
May 5, 2015
[caption id="attachment_9221" align="alignright" width="295"] Outgoing SHM President Burke Kealey (center) awards SHM CEO Larry Wellikson (left) and Brad Flansbaum (right) with plaques for their MHM inductions at HM15 in National Harbor, Md.[/caption] Last month, more than 230 hospitalists were i
Medicare Develops Next Generation Accountable Care Organization Model
May 5, 2015
ACO aims to provide more efficient, less costly coordinated care for patients
Society of Hospital Medicine’s HM15 Meeting Draws Thousands
May 5, 2015
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md.—Cherry trees weren’t the only things that blossomed around Washington last month. SHM’s annual meeting, with roughly 2,500 attendees, featured 100 educational sessions, a day of Congressional lobbying, and plenaries from the “Checklist Doctor” and the Dean of Hospital Medicine.
Hospitalists Have Stake in Improving Quality, Patient Safety
May 5, 2015
[caption id="attachment_9297" align="alignright" width="262"] Maureen Bisognano, president and CEO of the Institute of Healthcare Improvement, talks about “Leading Transformational Change” at HM15.[/caption] NATIONAL HARBOR, Md.—Don Lee, MD, MPH, is building what one might call an analog quality