Tips Toward Better Clinical Summaries
June 26, 2016
“I recently discharged a complex patient from the hospital, and I was shocked to see the poor quality of his clinical summary,” says Erin Sarzynski, MD, MS, of Michigan State University’s Department of Family Medicine.
American Diet Improving, but Not Yet Healthy
June 25, 2016
Americans are adding more whole grains,nuts and seeds to their diets and cutting back on sodas and sugary drinks, a U.S.
As Summer—and Interns—Roll In, Try a Little Empathy on Your Patients, Colleagues
June 25, 2016
It’s July, the month that marks the annual rite of passage for both newly minted physicians starting their internships and somewhat-less-fresh trainees completing their residencies and moving on to the next stage of their professional journey.
Apixaban Reduces Risks for AF Patients with Renal Dysfunction
June 24, 2016
NEW YORK - In patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and a wide range of renal function, compared to warfarin, treatment with apixaban reduces the risk of cardiovascular events, according to multinational investigators. As Dr.
Interhospital Transfer Handoff Practice Variance at U.S. Tertiary Care Centers
June 24, 2016
Clinical question: How do interhospital handoff practices differ among U.S. tertiary care centers, and what challenges and innovations have providers encountered? Background: Little has been studied regarding interhospital transfers.
Oral Steroids as Good as NSAIDs for Acute Gout
June 24, 2016
Clinical question: Are oral steroids as effective as NSAIDs in treating acute gout? Background: Two small trials have suggested that oral steroids are as effective as NSAIDs in treating acute gout.
Who to Blame for Surgical Readmissions?
June 23, 2016
When too many surgery patients are readmitted, the hospital can be fined by the federal government - but a new study suggests many of those readmissions are not the hospital's fault. Many readmissions were due to issues like drug abuse or homelessness, the researchers found.
SHM SPARK Helps Bridge Gap for Hospitalist MOC Exam Prep
June 23, 2016
SHM recently introduced SHM SPARK, the only maintenance of certification (MOC) exam-preparation tool by hospitalists for hospitalists.
Measure Hospitalist Engagement with SHM’s Engagement Benchmarking Service
June 23, 2016
One of the most important questions for leaders of hospital medicine groups is, “How can I measure the level of engagement of my hospitalists?” Measuring hospitalist engagement can be difficult, and many leaders are not satisfied with the tools they currently have at their disposal. [caption id="
Key Medicare Fund Could Exhaust Reserves in 2028: Trustees
June 22, 2016