Test Your Knowledge: Likelihood Ratios for Differentiating Cirrhotic vs. Non-Cirrhotic Liver Disease
October 27, 2016
[WpProQuiz 15] [WpProQuiz_toplist 15]
A Quick Lesson on Bundled Payments
October 25, 2016
Bundled payment programs are the most visible of CMS’s episode payment models (EPMs)
Trading Her Stethoscope for a Script Helps Hospitalist Rana Tan, MD, Find Balance
October 23, 2016
For years, much of Rana Tan's creativity had been bottled up and was ready to be unleashed. But how? The answer sat a few blocks away from Harrison: the Bremerton Community Theater.
How Finding Mentorship Made Me Love Being a Hospitalist Again
October 21, 2016
For many hospitalists, mentoring is paramount in maintaining job satisfaction and sustainability
What to Know about CMS’s New Emergency Preparedness Requirements
October 20, 2016
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently released new emergency preparedness requirements to ensure that providers and suppliers are duly prepared to adequately serve their community during disasters or emergencies
10 Things Hospitalists Need to Know about Palliative Care
October 19, 2016
Experts debunk the most common misperceptions
Big Health Policy Implications Loom with 2016 Election
October 18, 2016
Here’s what healthcare may look like under each candidate
Delayed ICU Transfer Affects Mortality and Length of Stay
October 17, 2016
Can an objective measurement of critical illness inform intensive care unit (ICU) transfer timeliness?
IV Fluid Can Save Lives in Hemodynamically Stable Patients with Sepsis
October 17, 2016
Does increased fluid administration in patients with sepsis with intermediate lactate levels improve outcomes?
Help Improve Quality at Your Institution with SHM
October 16, 2016
October 16–22 is the National Association for Healthcare Quality’s “Healthcare Quality Week"