Set a goal, or two, or three
March 15, 2017
Hospitalists need to set goals on the job, as well as for their careers. HM groups should do the same.
2016 Humanitarian Award
March 14, 2017
Patrick Conway, MD, MSc, SFHM, has earned a 2016 Humanitarian Award, which recognizes “life-saving achievement,” from the Patient Safety Movement Foundation.
Hospitalist movers and shakers
March 14, 2017
Significant honors, promotions, and business moves in the world of hospital medicine
Trending at the Society of Hospital Medicine
March 10, 2017
The latest news, events, programs, and SHM initiatives.
Are you getting the most out of your EHR?
March 10, 2017
Work with IT, early adopters, and vendors to maximize your electronic health record system.
MACRA: What every hospitalist needs to know
March 10, 2017
Nearly every hospitalist will be affected; the majority will use the MIPS pathway in 2017.
Everything We Say & Do: What PFACs reveal about patient experience
March 9, 2017
Patient and Family Advisory Councils provide a tool for understanding the patient perspective.
The beginning of the end
March 9, 2017
Will President Trump’s efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act also mean the end of efforts to lower health care costs, improve quality?
Revisiting citizenship bonus and surge capacity
March 9, 2017
Organizational and individual efforts are needed to combat physician burnout.
Sneak Peek: Journal of Hospital Medicine
March 9, 2017
The impact of bedside interdisciplinary rounds on LOS, complications.