Evolution of a movement
April 4, 2017
Looking back on a year of progress, looking forward to remaining active with SHM.
CMS recognizes Society of Hospital Medicine’s Center for Quality Improvement
April 3, 2017
A shared hospital patient safety network reduces patient harm, saves lives and reduces costs.
Here’s what’s trending at SHM
April 3, 2017
Read the latest news about upcoming events, new programs, and SHM initiatives.
Data-driven HR, RR parameters might help reduce alarm fatigue
April 3, 2017
New research shows data-driven parameters resulted in 55.6% fewer out-of-range vital sign measurements, for CRA, RRT activation.
Sneak Peak: The Hospital Leader Blog
April 3, 2017
There is no doubt transparency is important, and patients should be informed when hospitalized as outpatients instead of as inpatients. But the wisdom of the federal NOTICE Act essentially stops there.
What’s new at HM17
March 31, 2017
One of the top priorities of the HM17 planning committee was to create a diversity of topics that will appeal to hospitalists in a variety of settings. SHM leaders believe they have fulfilled that mandate.
What do you call a general medicine hospitalist who focuses on comanaging with a single medical subspecialty?
March 31, 2017
Prevalence, diversity of “specialty hospitalist” positions suggest groups can be readily arranged to benefit and engage all stakeholders.
HM17’s ‘must-see sessions’
March 31, 2017
11 editorial board recommendations for precourses, breakout sessions, and workshops
Fellows and Awards of Excellence
March 31, 2017
SHM will honor new Masters, Senior Fellows, and Fellows of Hospital Medicine at HM17, as well as bestow its annual Awards of Excellence.
Adapting to change: Dr. Robert Wachter
March 31, 2017
Robert Wachter, MD, MHM, has given the final plenary address at every SHM annual meeting since 2007. His talks are peppered with his one-of-a-kind take on the confluence of medicine, politics, and policy – and at least once he broke into an Elton John parody. Where does that point of view ...