Rapid-fire session troubleshoots mechanical ventilation
May 2, 2017
LAS VEGAS – Troubleshooting problems with mechanical ventilation starts with assessing how much control one has over specific variables, according to an expert at HM17.
VIDEO: Advocacy efforts spur CMS to drop HCAHPS pain domain assessment
May 2, 2017
How pain management is assessed is changing in Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems survey scores, thanks in part to the advocacy efforts of the Society for Hospital Medicine’s public policy committee.
On the big stage, SHM leaders discuss pressing issues
May 2, 2017
Dr. Brian Harte and Dr. Ron Greeno talk about the path forward for SHM.
VIDEO: Low-tech system tweaks help hospitalists minimize workflow disruptions
May 2, 2017
Physicians are interrupted an average of 15 times per hour. Here are some strategies for streamlining workflow in the hospital.
Novel med-rec program keys on timely, accurate patient histories
May 2, 2017
The session will describe a hospital-based approach to yield timely, accurate, and efficient medication histories.
Exploring issues at academic centers affiliated with HM
May 2, 2017
Learn how hospitalists at community hospitals can leverage resources from their larger, affiliated academic centers.
Trends in value-based care favor hospitalists, expert says
May 2, 2017
An emphasis on value-based care means hospitalists are needed more than ever.
Attendees drill down on infections at ID boot camp
May 2, 2017
If you haven't seen any cases of Candida auris yet, you will soon, one expert predicts.
Student-Resident Luncheon offers relaxed networking
May 2, 2017
The free luncheon will include several tables, each dedicated to a specific topic, such as pediatric hospital medicine, with an experienced hospitalist at each one.
Optimism in the face of change
May 2, 2017
Despite the tumult in health care today, hospitalists are well positioned to drive the discussion.