A prescription for heart failure success: Change the name
June 5, 2017
PARIS – This condition’s very name dooms it to failure. Dr. Lynne Warner Stevenson has some ideas to fix that.
Short Takes
June 5, 2017
Community-based palliative care reduces emergency department visits Retrospective cohort study showed that patients receiving community-based palliative care were less likely to seek ED care. The reduction was greater for older patients and for patients living in areas of higher socioec...
Will artificial intelligence make us better doctors?
June 5, 2017
While the benefits of technology in health care are often oversold, artificial intelligence will in time play a large role alongside physicians. However, better organization and availability of data is needed first.
Lactulose plus albumin is more effective than lactulose alone for treatment of hepatic encephalopathy
June 2, 2017
Clinical Question: Is the combination of lactulose plus albumin more effective than lactulose alone for treatment of hepatic encephalopathy?
A case for building our leadership skills
June 2, 2017
It’s interesting that we spent so much time focusing on biochemical pathways and next to none on leadership skills.
Family reports provide additional information regarding adverse events
June 1, 2017
Clinical Question: Do family reports of adverse events improve incident detection, compared with clinician reports and hospital incident reports?
Here’s what’s trending at SHM
June 1, 2017
Catch up on the latest news about upcoming events, new programs, and SHM initiatives.
HM17 session summary: Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant special interest forum
May 31, 2017
The Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant (NP/PA) special interest forum at HM17 drew more than 60 providers including, NPs, PAs, and physicians.
VIDEO: Software predicts septic shock in hospitalized patients
May 30, 2017
Algorithm will have a moderate level of sensitivity to avoid “alert fatigue.”
HM17 session summary: CT to PET scans – What every hospitalist needs to know
May 30, 2017
Timothy Kasprzak, MD, director of abdominopelvic and oncologic imaging at Case Western MetroHealth, offered some practical imaging advice for inpatient clinicians during a rapid-fire session at HM17.