Oral anticoagulation ‘reasonable’ in advanced kidney disease with A-fib
October 5, 2017
Reduced stroke risk, no increase in bleeding in atrial fibrillation and advanced chronic kidney disease.
Use of BZD and sedative-hypnotics among hospitalized elderly
October 4, 2017
Which hospitalized older patients are inappropriately prescribed benzodiazepines or sedative hypnotics post discharge, and who is prescribing these medications?
LVAD use soars in elderly Americans
October 3, 2017
DALLAS – As the use of left ventricular assist devices skyrocketed, so did short-term survival.
Sepsis time to treatment
October 3, 2017
Does early identification and treatment of sepsis using protocols improve outcomes?
Upfront preparation key to QI projects
October 2, 2017
Student says collaboration with medical staff “directly engages” them in QI research project.
Dabigatran, rivaroxaban linked to slight increase in GI bleeding risk
October 2, 2017
Overall, the risk of major bleeds associated with NOACs was similar to the risk with conventional anticoagulants.
Innovations: Quality, patient safety, and technology initiatives
October 2, 2017
Five innovations that can help hospitalists do their jobs better.
Improving our approach to discharge planning
October 1, 2017
A post-acute care placement prediction tool would help determine how to allocate discharge planning resources.
Anticoagulation for patients with liver cirrhosis and portal vein thrombosis
September 29, 2017
Should patients with liver cirrhosis with portal vein thrombosis be treated with anticoagulation?
‘Observationists’: Ready for prime time in an internal medicine residency program
September 28, 2017
Teaching and exposure to observation medicine is not currently a mainstay in many internal medicine residency programs, but perhaps it should be.