FVC deterioration signals increasing risk in rib fracture patients
January 12, 2018
ORLANDO – Trauma patients with rib fracture should be tested for deteriorating forced vital capacity during their hospital stay.
Prescribe antibiotics wisely
January 12, 2018
What is the incidence of antibiotic-associated adverse drug events (ADEs) among adult inpatients?
FDA: No more codeine or hydrocodone cold medicines for children
January 11, 2018
Risks outweigh benefits for pediatric prescription cough and cold medicines containing opioids.
Check orthostatic vital signs within 1 minute
January 11, 2018
What is the relationship between timing of measurement of postural blood pressure (BP) and adverse clinical outcomes?
CMS launches advanced APM focused on bundled payments
January 10, 2018
The program “builds on the earlier success of bundled payment models and is an important step in the move away from fee for service.”
Optimal rate of flow for high-flow nasal cannula in young children
January 10, 2018
The optimal high-flow nasal cannula rate to decrease effort of breathing for children
Phoenix Children’s Hospital integrates care from ground up
January 9, 2018
More than 1,000 physicians in the Phoenix metro area are part of a hospital network with incentive-laden contracts for meeting care and wellness goals.
Sexual harassment
January 9, 2018
Which physician behaviors and health care workplace environments cross the line into sexual harassment?
A love of teaching: James Kim, MD
January 8, 2018
Dr. James Kim did not plan initially on becoming a hospitalist, but he has embraced the specialty.
Homelessness: Whose job is it?
January 5, 2018
Addressing the significant known health disparities faced by homeless persons is one of the greatest health equity challenges of our time.