Steroids do not reduce mortality in patients with septic shock
June 27, 2018
Among patients with septic shock undergoing mechanical ventilation, does hydrocortisone reduce 90-day mortality?
Prompting during rounds decreases lab utilization in patients nearing discharge
June 26, 2018
Does prompting hospitalists during interdisciplinary rounds to discontinue lab orders on patients nearing discharge result in a decrease in lab testing?
Medicare hospital deaths decline, hospice usage increases
June 26, 2018
During 2000-2015, Medicare recipients became less likely to die in hospitals.
Pediatric special interest group to open new era of opportunity
June 26, 2018
Dr. Jeffrey Grill believes the special interest group brings more collaboration and a more visible, systemic pediatric presence within SHM.
Boston Children’s Hospital named nation’s best
June 26, 2018
U.S. News & World Report ranks the top children’s hospitals for 2018-2019.
Data suggest harm outweighs benefit of opioids for musculoskeletal pain
June 25, 2018
AMSTERDAM – There is little if any good quality evidence that opioids offer benefit in the treatment of pain related to osteoarthritis or other musculoskeletal disorders, but a large body of evidence suggests major risks.
Health care, technology, and the future
June 25, 2018
How do we improve the efficiencies of health service delivery while preserving the fundamental human qualities?
Buprenorphine endangers lives and health of children
June 25, 2018
Although important for treatment of opioid exposure, buprenorphine exposure can result in serious adverse effects in children who ingest it.
Addressing malnutrition and improving performance
June 22, 2018
It’s a widespread problem among admitted patients that often goes unrecognized.
Quick Byte: PrEP advances
June 21, 2018
Preexposure prophylaxis has the potential to curtail the HIV epidemic.