Rebleeding and mortality after lower-GI bleeding in patients taking antiplatelets or anticoagulants
July 11, 2018
Clinical question: Is there a difference in lower GI rebleeding risk in patients on antiplatelet medications versus those on anticoagulation medications?
Alteplase, aspirin provide similar functional outcomes after nondisabling stroke
July 10, 2018
PRISMS trial results suggest that alteplase offers no benefit over aspirin for functional outcomes after nondisabling acute ischemic stroke.
SHM expresses support for Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act
July 10, 2018
At the moment, the projected wait time for hospitalists from some countries to receive their green cards could easily exceed 25 years.
Long-term follow-up of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
July 10, 2018
Clinical question: What is the expected clinical progression of patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)?
More than 16% of ED sepsis patients not admitted to hospital
July 9, 2018
SAN DIEGO – More than 16% of ED sepsis patients are not admitted to the hospital, but their outcomes were not worse, preliminary results found.
DOACs’ safety affirmed in real-world setting
July 9, 2018
Direct oral anticoagulants were linked with lower bleeding risk, regardless of reason for use. One shone brightest.
ICH: Recent NOAC use associated with lower risk of in-hospital mortality, compared with warfarin
July 9, 2018
Among patients presenting with an intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), what is the association between recent anticoagulant use and in-hospital mortality?
Primary cirrhotic prophylaxis of bacterial peritonitis falls short
July 9, 2018
A review of prospective data from 308 cirrhotic patients on antibiotic prophylaxis highlights the limitations of this treatment.
For some opioid overdose survivors, stigma from clinicians hinders recovery
July 6, 2018
Positive steps might include giving stakeholders "sample scripts of ... nonstigmatizing conversations between caregivers and the people experiencing opioid dependency," researchers say.
EUS and MRCP as complementary studies in the etiologic diagnosis of idiopathic acute pancreatitis
July 6, 2018
Should endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) both be used in the diagnostic work-up of idiopathic acute pancreatitis (IAP)?