Thomas R. Collins
Listen Now: Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs and Hospital Medicine
November 4, 2015
Use of Medical Scribes Spurs Debate About Costs, Difficulties of Electronic Health Records
October 6, 2015
[caption id="attachment_11554" align="alignright" width="295"] Image Credit: ILLUSTRATION/PAUL JUESTRICH; PHOTOs[/caption] The hospitalists at six Illinois hospitals, physicians who are provided by Best Practices Inpatient Care, were grappling with some issues that might sound fa
Proton Pump Inhibitors Commonly Prescribed, Not Always Necessary
July 6, 2015
Gastroenterologists say better indicators needed before prescribing PPIs for inpatients with non-cardiac chest pain
11 Things Gastroenterologists Think Hospitalists Need to Know
July 6, 2015
[caption id="attachment_10268" align="alignright" width="275"] Image Credit: SHUTTERSTOCK.COM[/caption] So many symptoms that are staples of gastroenterology—chest pain, nausea, diarrhea—are mainstay causes for hospitalization that it might be worth fine-tuning how well you handle patients with g
LISTEN NOW: Gastroenterologist, Robert Coben, MD, on GI Bleeds, Colon Cancer
July 2, 2015
ROBERT COBEN, MD, Program director of the gastroenterology fellowship program at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, discusses GI bleeds and colon cancer. [audio mp3=""][/audio]
LISTEN NOW: Gastroenterologist, John Pandolfino, MD, on Best Practices for Colonoscopies, Treating C. diff Infections
July 2, 2015
John Pandolfino, MD, chief of gastroenterology and hepatology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, talks about best practices for colonoscopies and treating C.
LISTEN NOW: Jeffrey Greenwald, MD provides tips on treating endocrine disorders
April 4, 2015
Jeffrey Greenwald, MD, a hospitalist at Massacusetts General Hospital with 15 years of experience in hospital medicine, discusses his view of the spectrum of endocrine disorders and how hospitalists should approach the question of when to call in an endocrine specialist. [audio mp3="
Nine Things Hospitalists Need to Know about Treating Patients with Endocrine Disorders
April 3, 2015
Diabetes is as prevalent in hospitals today as lab coats and heart monitors. More than 8% of the population—almost 26 million people—and nearly 27% (11 million) of Americans 65 or older have diabetes, according to American Diabetes Association (ADA) statistics.
LISTEN NOW: David Pressel, MD, PHD, FHM, discusses violence in hospitals
March 6, 2015
DAVID PRESSEL, MD, PHD, FHM, medical director of inpatient services at Nemours Children’s Health System, talks about the nature of violence in hospitals and a training program he has helped put into place at his center. [audio mp3="
Hospital Violence Hits Home
March 3, 2015
Hospitalists could hardly be faulted for wondering: Am I safe?