Richard Quinn
HM11 PREVIEW: Teacher As Student
April 1, 2011
HM11’s visiting professor to serve as mentor, stimulate discussion
HM11 PREVIEW: Different Strokes
April 1, 2011
Hospitalists come from all walks; HM11 has a place for all of them
HM11 PREVIEW: Lots to See, Lots to Do in ‘Big D’
April 1, 2011
From sports to culture to Tex-Mex, Dallas metroplex has something for every visitor
SHM Honors Four Hospitalists
March 30, 2011
Drs. Stucky, Holman, Greeno, Gorman earn Master of Hospital Medicine designation
Touchscreen Medicine
March 23, 2011
Mobile technology will change hospital workflow, software expert says
HM Improves Quality in Singapore
March 16, 2011
Family physicians report HM reduces length of stay, mortality rate, costs, and readmissions
Pricey Problems
March 10, 2011
Readmissions, medication errors cost $46 billion a year in U.S.
The Facebook of Medical Records
March 2, 2011
Hospitalist-developed website is meant for physicians and patients alike
The Future is Near
March 1, 2011
Mobile, touchscreen technologies are knocking down hospital walls, but security concerns and skeptical physicians slow its advancement
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Opinions Mixed on Application of Touchscreen Technology at Bedside
March 1, 2011
A medical resident thinks touchscreens will help hospitalists connect with patients