Richard Quinn
No Change in Statin Usage
July 6, 2011
Cardiovascular benefits outweigh increased diabetes risk, hospitalist says
How High Can Your Support Payments Go?
July 1, 2011
As the healthcare system attempts to cut costs, financial support to HM groups continues decades-long surge.
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Hospitalists discuss the time-honored tradition of hospital payments to HM groups
July 1, 2011
Troy Ahlstrom, MD, SFHM, CFO of Hospitalists of Northern Michigan, a hospitalist-owned and -managed group based in Traverse City, and John Laverty, DHA, vice president of hospital-based physicians at HCA Physician Services in Nashville, Tenn., discuss hospital payments to HM programs
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Subsidy or Investment?
July 1, 2011
HM’s financial support moniker could use its own marketing campaign
The Government, Undercover
June 29, 2011
Mystery-shopper project to test PCP availability draws ire of HM practitioners
New Options to Treat Hepatitis C
June 22, 2011
Although expensive, two FDA-approved drugs show 66% to 80% response rate
New Options to Treat Hepatitis C
June 22, 2011
Although expensive, two FDA-approved drugs show 66% to 80% response rate
Hospitalist Salaries Show Steady Gains
June 15, 2011
Knowing average salaries for individual markets key to negotiation, practice-management expert says
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Listen to experts discuss new anticoagulants
June 9, 2011
Freelance writer Richard Quinn discusses new drugs with Philadelphia Univ. professor Geno Merli
A Numbers Game
June 8, 2011
Guideline on blood-glucose levels prompts physician backlash