Richard Quinn
Geographic Information Systems
November 1, 2023
A six-year-old patient admitted to a hospital medicine service due to status asthmaticus is a common occurrence in pediatric hospitalists nationwide. But what if the questions about why the patient...
SIG Spotlight: Academic Leaders
October 2, 2023
Every academic hospital medicine leader has two bosses: one on the academic side, through the school of medicine, and one on the hospital side, often reporting to someone in the C-suite, given its...
Chapter Spotlight: Central and Southwest Virginia
October 2, 2023
Dr. Odeti Shyam Odeti, MD, MS, FAAFP, MBA, SFHM, was in Johnson City, Tenn., five years or so ago when he helped start an SHM chapter in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Tennessee and...
Chapter Spotlight: Lake Erie/Northeast Ohio
September 1, 2023
Success is defined differently by different leaders. Some leaders of SHM chapters might be sated by having won a 2022 Silver Award. Not Tanveer Singh, MD, FACP, FRCP (Edin), FHM, president of the...
SIG Spotlight: Value-based Care
September 1, 2023
The majority of health care in the U.S.—and the majority of hospital medicine practice models—is delivered on a fee-for-service basis, but is that the best construct through which to administer...
SIG Spotlight: Med-Peds
August 1, 2023
Hospitalists trained in both pediatric and adult medicine don’t always feel grounded as a comrade among either cadre of caregivers. Consider SHM’s Med-Peds Special Interest Group (SIG) that sense...
Chapter Spotlight: Utah
August 1, 2023
For many SHM chapters nationwide, leadership through the COVID-19 pandemic paved the way for chapter growth and progress post-pandemic. But what if a chapter used 2020 not as a bridge to success,...
SIG Spotlight: Family Medicine
June 1, 2023
Hospital medicine is often synonymous with internal medicine, but as Bob Dylan famously said, the times they are a-changin’. Family-medicine-trained hospital medicine practitioners may only...
Chapter Spotlight: St. Louis
June 1, 2023
St. Louis downtown city skyline at twilight. To many, engagement is a buzzword used to make employees feel as if they have a say. Dr. Hoque To Farzana Hoque, MD, MRCP (UK), FACP, FRCP,...
SIG Spotlight: Global Hospital Medicine
May 1, 2023
All of SHM’s Special Interest Groups (SIG) look to solve issues, but some are more challenging in scope than others. Those focused on the spread of interdisciplinary rounding, or the improvement...