Richard Quinn
New Report Highlights Importance of Physician Communication Training
March 21, 2012
What to disclose to patients, colleagues not always “black and white”
NATIONAL RECOGNITION: Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) Earns Prestigious Award for Mentored Implementation Programs
March 16, 2012
First time NQF and Joint Commission bestow honor on a professional society
Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) Earns National Quality Award for Mentored Implementation Programs
March 14, 2012
First time NQF and Joint Commission bestow honor on a professional society
ACP Weighs in on Medical Test Overuse
March 13, 2012
Hospitalists should ensure they’re offering “high-value, cost-conscious” care
Online System Doesn’t Affect Pneumonia, Heart Attack Mortality Rates
March 7, 2012
Still value in public reporting, transparency, says hospitalist
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Listen to Bob Wachter, Norm Orenstein, and Michael Pistoria preview HM12 keynote addresses
March 2, 2012
HM12's key speakers discuss the future of HM, the possibility of health reform being repealed, and how to get the most out of an annual meeting
Racial, Cultural Diversity Still Lacking among Hospital Executives
February 29, 2012
Three ways hospitals can improve minority representation
HM12 Features High-Profile Speakers, RIV Sessions, Expanded Breakouts
February 29, 2012
The world was a different place in 2008, the last time SHM’s annual meeting was in San Diego. Attendance at the yearly confab of hospitalists was almost half of what it is expected to be this year, healthcare reform was still just a bullet point for a presidential candidate’s talking points, and society leaders were drumming up interest in a new fellowship program they’d created.
Six Keys to a Successful Annual Meeting
February 29, 2012
HM12 isn’t for the faint of heart: Game-plan, don’t be shy, and implement what you learn.
Policy Experts Say Hospital Medicine Should be Ready to Tackle Reform Challenges
February 29, 2012
In a restaurant, it’s called being in the weeds: when the duties of one’s job become so overwhelming that you can’t keep up with the pace. Think five new admissions at the end of a 12-hour workday.