Richard Quinn
Social Media Poses Potential Patient Privacy Violations for Physicians
May 8, 2012
Webinar to assist healthcare workers with nuances of protecting patient information while maintaining an online presence
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Listen to new SHM President Shaun Frost explain why HM has to be accountable
May 2, 2012
Dr. Frost addressed more than 2,000 hospitalists at HM12
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Listen to Medicare CMO Pat Conway discuss the future
May 2, 2012
Pat Conway has a bold vision for healthcare, and hospitalists role in the system
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Listen to HM12 faculty and attendees
May 2, 2012
Ethan Cumbler, Vineet Arora, and Dwayne Gard
SHM Calls for CMS to Shorten Time Frame for Reporting and Returning Medicare Overpayments
May 1, 2012
Proposed extended audit time problematic, unreasonable for hospitalists, SHM says
HM12 Highlights Hospitalists’ Excellence, Importance to Healthcare’s Future
April 26, 2012
SHM’s annual meeting, held April 1-4 at the San Diego Convention Center, drew thousands to educational sessions, CME-eligible pre-courses, and plenary addresses.
HM12 Experts Teach Hospitalists to Deal with Practice-Management Issues
April 26, 2012
Hospitalists looking for realtime advice on the business side of medicine came away from HM12 last month with brown bags full of tips.
Vanderbilt Hospitalist Impresses RIV Judges with Sample Size, Takes Home Research Prize
April 26, 2012
“Veterans Administration Acute Care 30-Day Mortality Model: Development, Validation, and Performance Variation” poster wins honor.
HM12’s Professional Development Offerings Have Singular Focus
April 26, 2012
This year’s pre-course lineup included the MOC test preparation, hands-on classes in medical procedures and ultrasound usage, and a debut class on “How to Improve Performance in CMS’s Value-Based Purchasing Program.”
HM Leaders Call for Thoughtful, Budget-Minded Advancement of Patient-Safety Reforms
April 26, 2012
The crossroads of patient safety, QI, and the use of technology from medical devices to iPhones was a major theme at SHM’s annual meeting, April 1-4 at the San Diego Convention Center.