Richard Quinn
Fellows and Awards of Excellence
March 31, 2017
SHM will honor new Masters, Senior Fellows, and Fellows of Hospital Medicine at HM17, as well as bestow its annual Awards of Excellence.
Networking: A skill worth learning
March 31, 2017
According to networking expert Ivan Misner, the best way to become an effective networker is to go to events with the idea of being willing to help people.
Tips for significant others
March 31, 2017
While thousands of hospitalists and other HM17 attendees swarm the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino for a four-day crash course on all things hospital medicine, thousands more family members tag along.
HM17: Plenaries – Conway and DeSalvo
March 22, 2017
The keynote speakers at HM17 are both optimistic about the future of the U.S. health care system, despite concerns about the rollback of the Affordable Care Act and what that could mean for access to care.
Don’t assume work is sole burnout determinant
February 1, 2017
Physician burnout is almost always linked to issues at work. Blame is placed on added duties piled onto a to-do list that barely makes enough time for prolonged patient interaction in the first place. Fault is laid upon the hours and hours per week – or even per day – wasted on cumbe...
Hot-button issue: physician burnout
February 1, 2017
As research validates and offers solutions, hospitalist groups can work harder – and smarter – to prevent and treat physician burnout.
Miguel Angel Villagra Brings Management Skills to The Hospitalist’s Volunteer Editorial Advisory Board
December 12, 2016
Dr. Villagra was named one of eight new members of Team Hospitalist, The Hospitalist’s volunteer editorial advisory board
HM 2016: A Year in Review
December 7, 2016
The top 10 events that impacted the specialty this year
Everything You Need to Know About the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Initiative
November 9, 2016
BPCI might be a game-changer for HM because it’s the first of the bundled-payment initiatives that truly falls direct to the care provided by hospitalists
Kevin Conrad, MD, MBA, Brings His Passion for Problem Solving to TH’s Editorial Board
October 15, 2016
Kevin Conrad, MD, MBA, was named one of the eight new members of Team Hospitalist.