Larry Beresford
High-Performing Hospitals Invest in QI Infrastructure
October 4, 2011
A new study evaluating outcomes for hospitals participating in the American Heart Association’s Get with the Guidelines program found no correlation between high performance on adhering to measures and care standards for acute myocardial infarction and for heart failure despite overlap between the s
Joint Commission Launches Certification for Hospital Palliative Care
October 4, 2011
A new Joint Commission program offering advanced certification for hospital-based palliative-care services is accepting applications and conducting daylong surveys through the end of this month. As with the Joint Commission’s reviews of other specialty services (e.g.
Dr. Wachter Named ABIM’s Chair-Elect
September 28, 2011
Would be first hospitalist to hold this position
Showtime for Patient Education
September 14, 2011
Connecticut hospitalist cohosts cable TV health show
Purposeful Visits Enhance Hospitalized Seniors’ Quality of Life
September 1, 2011
An abstract presented at HM11, “Purposeful Visits for Hospitalized Elderly Patients,” describes a service at the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH) in Denver that has shown improvements in participating patients’ mood, agitation, and orientation. The purposeful-visit program was started, says
Hospital Wins Award for Improving Transitions, Reducing Readmissions
August 31, 2011
Multidisciplinary group improved communication between inpatient and outpatient providers
The Tablet Revolution
August 3, 2011
Pros and cons associated with new technologies in hospital settings
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Listen to HM pioneers John Nelson, Bob Wachter, and Win Whitcomb ruminate on HM’s 15-year anniversary
August 1, 2011
The Society of Hospital Medicine's co-founders have witnessed explosive growth and maturation, and also see a bright future for a specialty that now numbers in excess of 30,000 nationwide
The Best of Times for Health Policy
July 27, 2011
HHS medical officer encourages hospitalists to get involved
Teaching Hospitals Respond to Bloodstream Infection Concerns
July 13, 2011
Sixty-seven score poorly on report; some question validity of claims