Larry Beresford
By the Numbers: 209,000
November 30, 2011
Projected total number of adult in-hospital cardiac arrests that are treated with a resuscitation response each year in U.S. hospitals is 209,000.
Branching Out
November 23, 2011
Ohio hospitalist moonlights in body-sculpting spa
Church Coalition Helps Prevent Readmissions
November 10, 2011
Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare System returns hospitalized patients to communities that support chronic conditions
Seven-Day Schedule Could Improve Hospital Quality, Capacity
November 4, 2011
A new study evaluating outcomes for hospitals participating in the American Heart Association’s Get with the Guidelines program found no correlation between high performance on adhering to measures and care standards for acute myocardial infarction and for heart failure despite overlap between
New Jersey Hospital Funds Care-Transitions “Coach”
November 4, 2011
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in Hamilton, N.J., has partnered with Jewish Family and Children’s Services of Greater Mercer County to support care transitions for 350 chronically ill older patients.
‘Smoothing’ Strategies in Children’s Hospitals Reduce Overcrowding
November 4, 2011
A report published online May 24 in the Journal of Hospital Medicine found that smoothing inpatient occupancy and scheduled admissions in 39 children’s hospitals helped reduce midweek overcrowding. Evan S.
“Teachback” Reduces Readmissions for CHF Patients
November 4, 2011
A sking “teachback” questions to hospitalized chronic heart failure (CHF) patients at Lehigh Valley Health Network in Allentown, Pa., helps them better understand their condition, treatment, and post-discharge care—thereby impacting readmissions.
Wasted Effort?
November 3, 2011
New study questions benefits of care-transition strategies
QI-Focused Microsite Aims to Educate Hospitalists
October 19, 2011
"The Center" will develop, warehouse quality and patient-safety resources
By the Numbers: $4,000
October 4, 2011
According to a new study in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics by MIT economist Joseph Doyle, a $4,000 increase in per-patient hospital expenditures equates to a 1.4% decrease in mortality rates.