Larry Beresford
Adverse Events and Rural Discharges
January 27, 2012
The Center on Patient Safety at Florida State University College of Medicine in Tallahassee has been awarded a grant from the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to study adverse events during the three weeks following hospital discharge, both for urban patients and those returning to rural settings.
Hand Hygiene Makes Headlines
January 27, 2012
Multiple efforts aim to raise awareness about hand hygiene in health facilities.
By the Numbers: 57
January 27, 2012
Percentage of responding physicians who say they are using electronic health records
CMS Awards First Care-Transition Coalition Grants
January 18, 2012
Hospitalists should look for ways to participate in federal program, reduce rehospitalization rates
Seven-Day Schedule Could Improve Hospital Quality, Capacity
January 5, 2012
A new study evaluating outcomes for hospitals participating in the American Heart Association’s Get with the Guidelines program found no correlation between high performance on adhering to measures and care standards for acute myocardial infarction and for heart failure despite overlap between the sets of care processes.
A Multidisciplinary Example
January 4, 2012
Hospitalists should model successful discharges, quality expert says
Proactive Approaches Can Mitigate Dangerous Transitions into Hospitals
December 21, 2011
Help stave off repeat hospital visits by engaging in frank discussions with the patient or nursing-home facility staff about the goals of care
Professional Development Program Advances Hospitalist Leadership Skills
December 21, 2011
Emory School of Medicine’s Division of Hospital Medicine supports faculty development training in the areas of administrative leadership, quality improvement and research, and education and training
Palliative Care ‘Report Card’ Released
December 21, 2011
Report counts proportion of each state’s hospitals with access to organized palliative-care programs
IOM Report Outlines Health IT Concerns
December 21, 2011
The Institute of Medicine identifies potential harm that could stem from a digital healthcare system