Larry Beresford
Important Lessons from Hospitalists Who Love Their Jobs
May 1, 2023
Job stress, moral injury, burnout, and the great resignation—these are very real concerns for the field of hospital medicine, exacerbated by but not limited to the unprecedented challenges of the...
Hospitalist Volunteers Give Back to Their Communities
April 3, 2023
For National Volunteer Month, April 2023, The Hospitalist celebrates four hospitalists who’ve found innovative ways to contribute their professional expertise to their communities. Bringing their...
Bright Spots in the Future of Hospital Medicine
March 1, 2023
As Americans start to rediscover their place in a (largely) post-pandemic world, hospitalists across the country are resuming and recommitting to a variety of extracurricular roles and...
FAST Program Implementation Guide Success
February 1, 2023
Jefferson Antithrombotic Therapy Team. Front row L to R: Photi Galanis, MD, Julia Westfield, Heather Yenser, CRNP. Back row L to R: Lynda Thomson, PharmD, Dina Orapallo, CRNP, Geno Merli, MD, Tony...
Update: Caring for COVID-19 Patients in the Hospital
January 3, 2023
Severe cases of COVID-19 infections continue to necessitate hospitalization more than two and a half years after the pandemic first hit. A total of 26,996 patients were hospitalized with COVID-19 in...
What Is AI’s Promise and Potential for the Hospitalist?
January 3, 2023
Imagine entering the front door of your hospital to start your busy workday as a hospitalist. The smart hospital, with its smart technology, recognizes you by “reading” your name badge via radio...
Hospitalists Join in Sustainability Efforts
October 3, 2022
Ms. Wohlford is the director of sustainability for Carilion Clinic. The Roanoke, Va.-based health system has numerous awards and recognitions for its sustainability efforts that include everything...
Hospitalists Lead the Way for Hospital at Home Programs
September 1, 2022
Part II of a two-part series In his plenary address at SHM’s Converge Conference in Nashville, Tenn., on April 9, hospital medicine founding father Robert Wachter, MD, MHM, posed the question:...
Bringing Acute-Level Care to the Patient: Key Steps for Hospital at Home
August 1, 2022 As the hospital at home concept and care model gets more attention nationally, hospitalists often provide the leadership, clinical expertise, and labor needed to get these...
Volunteers—making SHM an educational, scientific, and advocacy powerhouse for 25 years
April 1, 2022
For Ramesh Adhikari, MD, MS, FHM, a hospitalist with Franciscan Alliance in Lafayette, Ind., volunteering for SHM seemed like the right thing to do. “My motivation was to advance the field of...