Larry Beresford
In-Room Computer Tablets Help Hospital Patients Learn, Communicate
December 2, 2014
New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital is among a growing number of healthcare systems nationwide providing patients with tablet computing devices. Loaded with an HIPAA-compliant “patient itinerary” application designed by the hospital’s information technology (IT) department, the tablets give patients
Inpatient Strokes Average 4.5 Hours From Recognition to Computed Tomography
December 2, 2014
Time, in hours, from recognition of stroke symptoms to computed tomography for hospitalized patients, compared with 1.3 hours for stroke patients brought to the ED, according to a study recently presented at the Canadian Stroke Congress. The report estimates 17% of strokes occur among inpatients,
Patient Engagement Growing Focus for Hospitals
October 15, 2014
Involving inpatients in their treatment, recovery may help hospitals customize their care
London Hospitals Routinely Offering HIV Blood Tests
October 15, 2014
Pilot testing program for critical care inpatients aims to get more patients with HIV diagnosed sooner
Hospital Capacity Increase of 72% Needed by 2050
October 15, 2014
Anticipated 67% annual rise in hospitalizations, 41% population growth behind projected demand for more hospital beds
Teaching Value Project, Choosing Wisely Competition Accepting Applications for 2015
October 15, 2014
Co-sponsored event hosted by Costs of Care, American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation highlights healthcare innovations promoting value
Nonclinical Factors Influence Hospital Readmissions
October 15, 2014
Patients' socioeconomic status, functional ability at home play role in rehospitalization risk
LISTEN NOW: Greg Maynard, MD, SFHM, Chats about SHM’s Mentored Implementation Programs
September 5, 2014
Dr. Maynard explains what makes mentored implementation work and how hospitalist groups can quantify success
Specially-Trained Hospitalists Spearhead SHM’s Quality Improvement Programs
September 2, 2014
Hospitalist mentors discuss lessons taught, learned during SHM’s award-winning QI mentorship program
LISTEN NOW: Mark Williams, MD, MHM, Discusses SHM’s Mentored Implementation Programs
September 1, 2014
Dr. Williams discusses the commitment made by mentors and the critical importance of site visits